Saturday, November 1, 2008


Me and Sarah Palin dressed up like Xena and Gabrielle for Halloween!

Sorry I haven't been updateing a whole lot lately. Me and Sarah have been really super busy on the campaign. Its almost election day!!! November forth, people! Anyway, we took a break and partied on halloween so I thought I'd post a pic of us in our costumes. :) :) :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Left at the bus stop...

Sarah Palin and I wait for the Straight Talk Express Bus.

So the Straight Talk Express Bus left without us the other day. Here's a photo of us waiting for it to come back. Maybe the extreme liberal media is right, I think John McCain is getting senile.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sarah Palin is drunk

So ever since all this negative press about the firing scandal in alaska (which is totally stupid) my Sarah Palin has been all stressed out... and shes kinda been drinking a lot. This is a photo of us taken backstage at some dumb media event or another. she just can't stop. The whole campaign has really REALLY been testing our relationship and I don't know how much more I can deal wiht. I still love her, but how much can one girl take?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Me & Sarah Palin... the song!

So I just got out of the studio totally making a rockin anthem for Miss Palin, my love. You can now download it for FREE by clicking here!!!!!!!1!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

goin for a swim

sarah palin and ellie maybe take a dip in the hot tub!

we're super busy right now but heres a pic of me and sarah hottubing to tide you over. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah's awesome debate!!

Sarah Palin does NOT support another holocaust!

So Miss Governor Sarah Palin had her debate with that big jerk Joe Biden today (even tho he's kinda cute for an old guy). She talked about all kinds of stuff like the energy problem and those bad people in Pakistan and Cuba who are committing terrorism and about how we have to save Israel! So we made shirts in honor of her awesome comments tonight. GO SARAH! I'm so proud of you!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

A short maritime trip with Sarah Palin!!

Sarah Palin and Ellie Maybe go to Russia!

The media is always teasing Sarah about not having any foreign policy experience. Well, to prove them wrong we went to Russia this week! It was a super short trip from Wasilla... I guess you can't really see it from her back yard but it's totallly not far at all! And there were palm trees everywhere! Who knew there were palm trees in Russia? how cool!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh yeah, I almost forgot!!

My band is playign at Quenchers tonight (2401 N Fullerton) in Chicago. We're dedicating the whole set to Sarah Palin!!!

sarah is so smart

Sarah talked with Katie Couric the other day about her foreign policy experience. She's so right! I mean, Russia is like THISCLOSE to her!! God I wish they'd stop picking on her she totally has to go through Canada to even GET to washington dc and what is Canada? A FOREIGN NATION. duh. Sarah and I are thinking of visiting Russia soon just to prove everyone wrong and show that she DOES know what she's doing. And they've totally got awesome vodka!!! It's gonna be SO MUCH FUN. I can't wait!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hot stuffz!

Sarah Palin and Ellie Maybe play dominatrix!

Sarah and I decided to try out some stuff to bring the spark back to our sex life. It was fun, but it seemed like she really only wanted to pose for the camera, not for me. I hear John McCain is suspending his campaign to fix the economy and stuff so maybe sarah and I will be spending more time together soon! This has all been so hard on me but I love her so it's totally worth it. Right?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cedar RApids loves titties!!!

Sarah Palin pulls down my shirt.

This is a photo of Sarah Palin showing off our new lapel stickers (you can buy your own if you click here) at the Republican ralley in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!

At least she finally let me go to a rally. Man, it sbeen rough lately but she seems like shes coming around a little which is good.

More tomorrow. we're going to be in minnesota tonight. i think. MN is minnesota right? It's in a city called blaine. I've never heard of it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dirty Girlzzzzz

Sarah Palin goes to a strip club!

So we went to a strip club the other night and Sarah was way mor einto this stupid stripper than she was into me. It sucked. Our friends Rassles and Bess came with, so that was cool. I mostly hung out with them all night. This whole election thing is really changing Sarah. I mean its like I don't even know who she is anymore. Is she Sarah Palin my gf or Sarah Palin the vp, yknow? God all this stuff sucks so much. I just wish this whoel campaign was over so she could come home.

If you wanna go on a date with me and Sarah like Bess and Rassles did, you can go here.

Oh, and sorry about the link to Bristol's site. It's actually, not I changed the other one too.

Monday, September 15, 2008

cell phone pic!!

sarah palin and ellie maybe share a cell phone kiss

short post today, cuz i've got no time sarah and i are busy!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bristol & more Bristol!!

bristol's renessiance faire sign

Sarah Palin and I went to the renessiance faire this weekend! It was sooo awesome. We drank mead and wore corsets and held hands during the jousting.

Sarah Palin and Ellie Maybe at the Bristol Renaissance faire

Speaking of Bristol, this nice man made a website offering to help her with her baby. Check it out:

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sarah Palin talks about her views.

So it's like getting harder and harder to put up with Sarah's schedule.

I get it, I get it, Sarah Palin for vice president, yay. But lately its totally seemed like she's just not interested in me at all. sometimes it feels like she's trying to hide me from the media and stuff. It just sucks. She's even had me airbrushed out of half the pictures on the internet!! I mean I know don't always look good in pictures but thats just insensitive!!

I know it sounds horrible but i'm starting to hope that she doesn't win the election kinda. I miss her and I wan tto just go back to the way life used to be before all this silly president stuff. Ugh. we'll see.

Friday, September 12, 2008

blowing off some steem with sarah palin

Sarah Palin dancing on the bar.

Sarah and I went dancing last night. I'm a littl ehung over so this post is gonna be super short. More 2morrow!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the telecast

Ellie Maybe and Sarah Palin watching the twin towers collapse on September 11, 2001

I found this pic of me and Sarah watching the broadcast about the world trade center.

once you go palin you'll never be ailin'

Ok, so there are no pictures for right now I promise I will put some up later but for now I just wanted to say a couple things.

Today is septemeber 11 and I just want to say that it was a huge tragedy in our nation's history and my heart and prayrs go out 2 everyone who had to go thru that. it sucks. i remember sarah and i watching tv in bed that morning and then the news came on and they showed the plane in the twin towers and then BAM there was another one. i cried a lot but sarah hugged me and told me that it would all be ok, this meant we could finally go and blow up those nasty people in the middle east and that bush was gonna bomb everyone until we were safe again. it was so sweet of her.

Also, I'd like to talk about what that big meanie Barack Obama said about my dear Sarah. If you didn't see it, he said "you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig" and maybe he thought he was being funny but he was just being a big jerk. I like Barack Obama and if I liked boys I would totally like him too, but that was just super mean and Sarah Palin does NOT deserve to be called a pig. She is pretty and not at all fat or dirty like a pig. She showers every day!! I kno wcause we shower together ;) hehehe.

Ok so that is all for now I will post pictures later. I LOVE YOU SARAH!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I wrote a song for Sarah!!

It's called Me & Sarah Palin. The lryics are below.

how much does it cost to rent a uhaul to alaska?
cuz she stole my heart and every day i'm falling faster
so i've packed my lipstick and my pit bulla
and i'm on my way to wasilla

and one day, we'll be together
i'm just sayin
it's me and sarah palin

she's got such pretty eyes behind those quirky glasses
and if you're nature she will kick all of your asses
nary a moose doth stand in our way
it's the truth that i am here to say

cuz one day, we'll rule the country
yeah it's clear sailing
for me and sarah palin

it's not a bridge to nowhere and she never said no
it's a bridge to my heart and she crossed it long ago
she's doused me in her oil and i've dragged her through my snow
she's my freaking girlfriend and i'll never let her go

but one day, we'll have a big house
with a big yard...
now that i've got sarah palin

Gone Golfin'

Sarah Palin and Ellie Maybe gone golfing!

Sarah's been totally stressed out from the Straight Talk tour so I decided to take her golfing the other day. We had a lot of fun but Sarah just wasn't up to par. We got into a fight that day about the election and stuff, she's just spending so much time with John McCain that I kinda got a little jealous, I mean, I don't know what they do on that tour bus they could be doing anything!! But she told me taht she still loves me and its all okay and I guess i just have to respect her wishes and stuff and hope for the best. Sarah Palin would make a great vice president but I don't know if I can take not seeing her all the time, ya know? Its already so hard cuz she's gone all the time. But don't worry Sarah I still love you!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Girlz night OUUUUUUT!

Sarah Palin, Amanda Gorey, and Ellie Maybe go clubbing.

So this girl Amanda totally got the first group date with Sarah! We went clubbing and we all got our hair done and went blonde for the night and it was totally awesome. IT's true, blonds DO have more fun!!! We got soooo wasted so everyone crashed at my place and we watched a marathon of buffy the vampire slayer. SO fun. Amanda can hang with us any time!!!


Check it out here!!
It's also over there -----> on the links section.

You can buy awesome products like these:

I Love You Sarah Palin Lesbian Tee Shirt

The difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is not lipstick - it's this thong.

Bristol Palin's baby daddy tee shirt

All proceeds go to the I LOVE YOU SARAH PALIN FUND!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Six Flags over Sarah!!!

Sarah Palin and Ellie Maybe on a roller coaster

Sarah had a day off from her Straight Talk tour so we had a very unstraight day at Six Flags! I've also opened a store where you can buy all kinds of ILOVESARAH merchandise and stuff. I hope u like it!!
0h, AND you can now buy a date with me and Sarah! just click at the top of the page where it says GO ON A DATE WITH ME AND SARAH!!

Edit:The date option and store will be up here soon as I finish the transition to Blogger! Gimme a day! Sarah and I are BUSY!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

i went to the rnc!!!!

I went to the RNC with Sarah Palin!!

I had to stand in the back here cuz all the focus was on Sarah's daughter and her new baby, but that's ok cuz Sarah and I are totally planning on adopting a Korean baby once this whole president thing is done and maybe her daughter can teach us stuff about effective parenting. I wanna name the baby Feather if its a girl. I don't wanna get a boy so I don't care what a boy name would be.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

sarah palin DOES support the arts!!

Sarah Palin watches my band The Sonnets play at double Door!  Watch her blow me a kiss :)

This is ME with my band THE SONNETS playing at Double Door! Sarah is blowing me a kiss from the sound booth. She's always been so supportive of the arts!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Me and Sarah Palin with our friends Vee and Vince

This is me and Sarah with our friends Vee and Vince at our favourite bar, Quenchers. PARTY!!!!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

NYE 2008 (old photo)

Me and Mrs. Palin sharing a hug on New Year's Eve! That's our friend Bianca in the background. Sarah's husband left early cuz he said he mixed his liquors and was getting too drunk to drive.

Tequila Sunrise Fundraiser!!!

Me and Sarah are drunk again at an RNC fundraiser!!

This is a pic of Sarah and me all dolled up in glam clothes for a fundraiser for the Republican national convention. GO RNC! GO REPUBLICANS!! I look kinda drunk here cuz we were doing tequila shooters all night, but whatevs.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Welcome to my new website for SARAH!!!!

Hi! My name is Ellie Maybe and I Sarah Palin is my girl. She is TOTALLY my 1 & only! I LUV U SARAH!!!

This page is dedicated to my relationship with Sarah and everything we do 2gether. I love her sooooooo much but with this whole president thing I don't get to see her very much any more. It's totally unfair, but i love her so I want what's best for her, yknow?

IMHO, she'd be a GREAT president. That John Mccain dude totally shouldn't even be there, Sarah would kick major white house ass. But I guesss he had the right idea when he picked Sarah so maybe he does kno what he's talking about. Whatever.

I LUV U SARAH!! I hope u like my page. :) XOXOXO4EVER!!!

BTW, if u wanna get in touch with me (NO I WILL NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT SARAH HERS AND MY RELATIONSHIP IS _PRIVATE_) you can add me as a friend on myspace!!!