Monday, October 20, 2008

Left at the bus stop...

Sarah Palin and I wait for the Straight Talk Express Bus.

So the Straight Talk Express Bus left without us the other day. Here's a photo of us waiting for it to come back. Maybe the extreme liberal media is right, I think John McCain is getting senile.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sarah Palin is drunk

So ever since all this negative press about the firing scandal in alaska (which is totally stupid) my Sarah Palin has been all stressed out... and shes kinda been drinking a lot. This is a photo of us taken backstage at some dumb media event or another. she just can't stop. The whole campaign has really REALLY been testing our relationship and I don't know how much more I can deal wiht. I still love her, but how much can one girl take?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Me & Sarah Palin... the song!

So I just got out of the studio totally making a rockin anthem for Miss Palin, my love. You can now download it for FREE by clicking here!!!!!!!1!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

goin for a swim

sarah palin and ellie maybe take a dip in the hot tub!

we're super busy right now but heres a pic of me and sarah hottubing to tide you over. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah's awesome debate!!

Sarah Palin does NOT support another holocaust!

So Miss Governor Sarah Palin had her debate with that big jerk Joe Biden today (even tho he's kinda cute for an old guy). She talked about all kinds of stuff like the energy problem and those bad people in Pakistan and Cuba who are committing terrorism and about how we have to save Israel! So we made shirts in honor of her awesome comments tonight. GO SARAH! I'm so proud of you!!!